“Only those who risk going too far can find out how far they can go.”
“Only those who risk going too far can find out how far they can go.”
Coaching to lead and succeed
Executive, Manager, and Professional Development
A proactive approach to accelerated individual development, resulting in sustained behavior change and increased effectiveness. Based upon in-depth assessment yielding excellent self-understanding information, strengths and areas of needed development are identified. The expertise of an executive and career coach is utilized to provide guidance in developing necessary insight and competencies in targeted areas. Support and help are provided to make personal growth a priority amidst the pressures and demands of work. Workshops and team development exercises are also available.
Career Coaching
Career change, transition, or development coaching is available to assist executives, managers, and professionals achieve their goals. We excel in career assessment for better understanding career fit and identifying areas for development.
Assisting Troubled Leaders
Helping executives or managers who are in danger of derailing to develop greater self-understanding, insight into interpersonal issues, and achieve sustained behavior change.
Stress Management and Resilience
Programs for individuals or groups who are coping with difficult circumstances, pressures, and changes to assist in keeping emotional balance under pressure and sustaining work performance.
Consulting and General Problem-Solving
When people issues are a source of difficulty in gaining or sustaining effectiveness and performance in an organization, helpful expertise is available for addressing the challenge.
ADD/ADHD Coaching
Leadership Concepts offers coaching for executives, managers, and professionals who have Attention Deficit Disorder. We have expertise in helping individuals with ADD/ADHD become better organized, more productive, and interact more effectively with others. Based on a thorough understanding of ADD/ADHD, we help individuals develop strategies to become more effective.
Serving clients nationwide from our Philadelphia, PA area offices.